GLR Accountants - a friendly team of professionals specialising in taxation and business services. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the exceptional service we provide to all our clients.
B.Com (Acc), CA.
After attending university in Wollongong, Bryce relocated to Canberra in 1985 to work for Price Waterhouse. He initially worked in Audit, later moving into Tax and completing the Chartered Accountants program. Bryce took over GLR in 1994 with the aim of guiding clients through the financial maze of life. More than just preparing tax returns, he strives to add value to client interactions in any way he can.
He enjoys the challenge of getting the best overall financial outcome for his clients, whether that is finding the best legal tax deductions, tax structure or encouraging good investment decisions and planning a comfortable retirement.
Away from work Bryce enjoys spending time with his wonderful wife, walking the dog together, catching up with friends, watching sport and keeping abreast of tax & financial matters including the stock market.
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