GLR Accountants - a friendly team of professionals specialising in taxation and business services. Our commitment to excellence is evident in the exceptional service we provide to all our clients.
Keeping up to date in small business
Are you paying your staff correctly? Are you maintaining the right records?
Do you know what Laws and Codes of Practice might apply to you?
Running a small business is a big job, and we are always here to assist in any way we can, however here are a few tips and resources that you may find helpful to stay on top of your responsibilities:
An Australian Government website that contains information on a range of topics including: Legal Essentials, Fair Trading and Workplace Health & Safety.
Fair Work Ombudsman
Contains details and links to check employment awards, pay rates, allowances etc
You can also subscribe to receive email notifications for changes to the award or industry that effects your business. Changes to awards occur from time to time, and if you are an employer it is your responsibility to ensure you are keeping up to date and paying your staff correctly.
Latest news resource for small business.
Industry / Professional Associations
It may also be beneficial to join your local business or industry association who may keep you up to date on important issues.
Canberra Business Chamber
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